What we know
Walberswick has an eco-tourism driven economy. Tens of thousands of people from across the country visit this ancient village every year. LionLink will kill tourism and local businesses and destroy the habitats of rare and protected wildlife, including disrupting the proposed UNESCO Flyway Corridor used by over 90 million coastal birds yearly.
LionLink are proposing to plough up protected, historic land in one of Britain’s oldest villages (Walberswick was first settled over 1000 years ago)
Lionlink plans to build on environmentally designated sites, ignoring threats of flooding and erosion.
LionLink is a private company posing as a public one with government links and public interest. This is a company operating privately and therefore not making decisions that are focused on the public good or the costs they impose on our communities.
LionLink energy is not totally green – as we understand it the electricity will come from all sources of Dutch energy production which is currently majority fossil fuels
LionLink’s proposals are not in line with National and local Development plan policies. They have clearly ignored the objections of the village and the Parish Council by simply re-siting their intended access and landfall points. The reasons for not using the Cliff Field car park remain valid for their new intended site. There are no pavements in this historic, narrow laned village and only one access road. It is not a site fit for the purpose of heavy goods vehicles and any form of invasive mass construction. The new site doesn’t change the fact that they are devastating AONB and other protected habitats.
LionLink have displayed a fundamental lack of understanding of and respect both for our local village communities and visitors from all over the world. Walberswick has hundreds of public rights of way, byways and cycle routes, which are enjoyed by everyone, access to which will be impeded and blocked by the planned construction.